Runs classical MD simulation
usage: sphinx-build [-h] --conf CONF --top TOP [--node_grid NODE_GRID]
[--skin SKIN] [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX]
[--output_file OUTPUT_FILE] [--trj_collect TRJ_COLLECT]
[--energy_collect ENERGY_COLLECT]
[--topol_collect TOPOL_COLLECT] [--reactions REACTIONS]
[--debug DEBUG] [--check_topology CHECK_TOPOLOGY]
[--start_ar START_AR] [--stop_ar STOP_AR]
[--table_groups TABLE_GROUPS] [--max_force MAX_FORCE]
[--rate_arrhenius RATE_ARRHENIUS]
[--exclusion_list EXCLUSION_LIST]
[--benchmark_data BENCHMARK_DATA]
[--system_monitor_filter SYSTEM_MONITOR_FILTER]
[--do_not_exclude_bonds DO_NOT_EXCLUDE_BONDS] [--kb KB]
[--mass_factor MASS_FACTOR] [--run RUN]
[--int_step INT_STEP] [--rng_seed RNG_SEED]
[--thermal_groups THERMAL_GROUPS]
[--gen_velocity GEN_VELOCITY] [--thermostat {lv,vr,iso}]
[--barostat {lv,br}] [--barostat_tau BAROSTAT_TAU]
[--barostat_mass BAROSTAT_MASS]
[--barostat_gammaP BAROSTAT_GAMMAP]
[--thermostat_gamma THERMOSTAT_GAMMA]
[--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--pressure PRESSURE]
[--dt DT] [--lj_cutoff LJ_CUTOFF] [--cg_cutoff CG_CUTOFF]
[--coulomb_epsilon1 COULOMB_EPSILON1]
[--coulomb_epsilon2 COULOMB_EPSILON2]
[--coulomb_kappa COULOMB_KAPPA]
[--coulomb_cutoff COULOMB_CUTOFF]
[--store_species STORE_SPECIES]
[--store_state STORE_STATE]
[--store_position STORE_POSITION]
[--store_lambda STORE_LAMBDA] [--store_force STORE_FORCE]
[--store_velocity STORE_VELOCITY]
[--store_charge STORE_CHARGE] [--store_mass STORE_MASS]
[--store_res_id STORE_RES_ID]
[--store_pressure STORE_PRESSURE]
[--store_single_precision STORE_SINGLE_PRECISION]
[--save_before_reaction SAVE_BEFORE_REACTION]
[--trj_flush TRJ_FLUSH]
[--gro_trj_collect GRO_TRJ_COLLECT]
[--store_angdih STORE_ANGDIH]
[--maximum_conversion MAXIMUM_CONVERSION]
[--eq_steps EQ_STEPS] [--keep_simulation KEEP_SIMULATION]
[--count_types COUNT_TYPES] [--count_tuples COUNT_TUPLES]
[--count_types_state COUNT_TYPES_STATE]
[--count_fix_distances COUNT_FIX_DISTANCES]
[--t_hybrid_bond T_HYBRID_BOND]
[--t_hybrid_angle T_HYBRID_ANGLE]
[--t_hybrid_dihedral T_HYBRID_DIHEDRAL]
General options¶
--conf | Input .gro coordinate file |
--top, --topology | |
Topology file | |
--node_grid | |
--skin | Skin value for Verlet list Default: 0.16 |
--output_prefix | |
Prefix for output files Default: “sim” | |
--output_file | Name of output trajectory file Default: “trjout.h5” |
--trj_collect | Collect trajectory every (step) Default: 1000 |
--energy_collect | |
Collect energy every (step) Default: 1000 | |
--topol_collect | |
Collect topology every (step) Default: 1000 | |
--reactions | Configuration file with chemical reactions |
--debug | Turn on logging mechanism |
--check_topology | |
If set to true then show the message generated by TopologyManager Default: False | |
--start_ar | When to start chemical reactions Default: 0 |
--stop_ar | When to stop chemical reactions Default: -1 |
--table_groups | The list of atom type names that should be simulated with tabulated potential. |
--max_force | Maximum force in the system. Default: -1 |
--rate_arrhenius | |
Change rate based on the Arrhenius equation. Default: False | |
--exclusion_list | |
Read exclusion list from external file | |
--benchmark_data | |
Store time measurement in the file | |
--system_monitor_filter | |
Print all (empty) or only selected elements in SystemMonitor | |
--do_not_exclude_bonds | |
Do not exclude newly created bonds Default: False |
Simulation parameters¶
--kb | Boltzmann constant, default kJ/mol Default: 0.0083144621 |
--mass_factor | Mass units, default a.u. Default: 1.6605402 |
--run | Number of simulation steps Default: 10000 |
--int_step | Steps in integrator Default: 1000 |
--rng_seed | Seed for RNG Default: 7975 |
--thermal_groups | |
Thermal groups | |
--gen_velocity | Generate velocity or not Default: False |
--thermostat | Possible choices: lv, vr, iso Thermostat to use, lv: Langevine, vr: Stochastic velocity rescale Default: “lv” |
--barostat | Possible choices: lv, br Barostat to use, lv: Langevine, br: Berendsen Default: “lv” |
--barostat_tau | Tau parameter for Berendsen barostat Default: 5.0 |
--barostat_mass | |
Mass parameter for Langevin barostat Default: 50.0 | |
--barostat_gammaP | |
gammaP parameter for Langevin barostat Default: 1.0 | |
--thermostat_gamma | |
Thermostat coupling constant Default: 5.0 | |
--temperature | Temperature Default: 458.0 |
--pressure | Pressure |
--dt | Integrator time step Default: 0.001 |
--lj_cutoff | Cutoff of atomistic non-bonded interactions Default: 1.2 |
--cg_cutoff | Cuoff of coarse-grained non-bonded interactions Default: 1.4 |
--coulomb_epsilon1 | |
Epsilon_1 for coulomb interactions Default: 1.0 | |
--coulomb_epsilon2 | |
Epsilon_2 for coulomb interactions Default: 80.0 | |
--coulomb_kappa | |
Kappa paramter for coulomb interactions Default: 0.0 | |
--coulomb_cutoff | |
Coulomb cut-off Default: 0.9 |
H5MD storage¶
--store_species | |
Store particle types Default: True | |
--store_state | Store chemical state Default: True |
--store_position | |
Store positions Default: True | |
--store_lambda | Store lambda parameter Default: False |
--store_force | Store forces Default: False |
--store_velocity | |
Store velocity Default: False | |
--store_charge | Store charge Default: False |
--store_mass | Store mass Default: True |
--store_res_id | Store res_id Default: True |
--store_pressure | |
Compute and store pressure Default: False | |
--store_single_precision | |
Write data in single precision format Default: True | |
--save_before_reaction | |
If True then the trajectory and topology will be saved before reaction Default: False | |
--trj_flush | Flush data to disk every n-steps |
--gro_trj_collect | |
Save trajectory in .gro file | |
--store_angdih | Save angles and dihedrals in the topology Default: False |
Maximum conversion¶
--maximum_conversion | |
The comma separated list of conditions on which the simulation will stop. (format: atom type symbol(state):max number:total number) | |
--eq_steps | Run simulation after conversion reached for n-steps Default: 0 |
--keep_simulation | |
Keep simulation running until the conversion is reached Default: False |
--count_types | List of particle types to count; eq. A,B |
--count_tuples | Count tuples Default: False |
--count_types_state | |
List of particle types, state; eq. A:3,B:4 | |
--count_fix_distances | |
Count size of fix distances Default: False |
Hybrid bonded terms¶
--t_hybrid_bond | |
Use hybrid bonds Default: 0 | |
--t_hybrid_angle | |
Use hybrid angles Default: 0 | |
--t_hybrid_dihedral | |
Use hybrid dihedrals Default: 0 |